And now for another chapter of Carpet Cleaning and Vintage Vacuums with Norm: (vac vibe intensifies)
Interesting ad, cool poster Translation is “Luxury Cleaning Perfect and Fast of the Apartment”. She sure looks fast on that high powered vacuum. Being a curious one, I looked up the business address in paris to see what is there now.
I am certain these Paris home cleaners did a top notch job of dry soil removal on a regular basis maintaining their clients home’s carpet in top shape.
Norms Batavia Carpet Cleaning Quality Guarantee

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐In 1920s Paris, apartment cleaning would have been done by the residents themselves or hired help such as maids. The cleaning process would have involved tasks such as dusting, mopping, sweeping, and washing windows. Cleaning products and equipment were likely more basic and less advanced than what is available today. Due to the lack of modern conveniences such as vacuum cleaners, cleaning would have been a more manual and time-consuming process. Additionally, the standard of cleanliness in homes was likely lower than what is expected today, so less attention was paid to details such as dust buildup and grime.