For those of us that love our dogs, there are many hazards that test our patience.  The joy they bring to our lives and the companionship they provide make our lives better in so many ways.  The challenges around the house come when they have an accident or when they get older and begin having medical problems.

For me, owning a pair of English Mastiffs can make those hazards seem like a daily trial.  Every time they have a drink of water you can rest assured there will be a mess somewhere for us to clean up.  One shake of the head can send splatters of drool just about anywhere.  I’ve even had to clean the bottoms of the ceiling fan blades!  When they have an accident on the carpets or area rugs, however, I know I need to have a professional cleaning company like Norms Carpet Cleaning come in and treat the soiled area.

Now, while I’m sure your dogs don’t make anywhere near as much of a mess as mine, every dog will occasionally have an accident or get sick and make a mess of your carpets or area rugs.  The problem at that point is, do you try some random cleaning chemical from the pet store, or do you call in a professional.  I know the advertisements tell you that you can just spray some chemical on the carpet and the stain will magically disappear.  I wish this were the case.  Unfortunately, many of these store bought chemicals only mask the odor and even worse, contain formulas that can actually damage the carpet fibers.  We have seen some that will react with UV rays through a window and bleach the color from the carpet or area rug.

When a dog urinates on a carpet or area rug, the urine will seep through the carpet and into the backing, padding and subfloor.  It is important that you not only treat the affected area with an enzyme cleaning agent to neutralize the urine, but flushing and extracting the carpet, backing and pad is equally important.  Just spraying some store bought chemicals on the area is only a temporary fix, and will lead to potential odors and bacteria in the long run.  Norms Carpet Cleaning deals with pet urine problems on a daily basis.  Our technicians are trained to specifically address the unique problems pet owners encounter with lasting solutions, not temporary fixes.

Pet Urine Cleaning St. Charles IL

Many of our customers deal with the unfortunate reality that our dogs and cats get older and start having problems with incontinence, but are otherwise healthy and it is not quite their time yet.  Having a trusted partner like Norms Carpet Cleaning can make dealing with that situation easier and much less stressful.  An older dog or cat can wreak havoc on a carpet or area rug if left untreated.  We are always in the area and can quickly attend to accidents your older pet can have.  Our uniformed, trained technicians will flush and extract the carpet, backing and pad to remove the urine from the affected area, then treat the carpet or area rug with a non-staining cleaning agent designed specifically to treat pet stains and odors.  This will leave a fresh, clean environment with no harsh odors or chemicals.  You can continue to enjoy the love and friendship your dog or cat provides without the worry or hassle related with accidents they may have.